Viewing Reduced Spectra

DBSP_DRP comes bundled with dbsp_show, an all-purpose interactive spectrum plotter for DBSP_DRP and intermediate PypeIt files, built using Matplotlib.

$ dbsp_show --help
usage: dbsp_show [-h] [--extension EXTENSION] [--BOX] [--COUNTS] fname

All-purpose interactive spectrum plotter for DBSP_DRP and intermediate PypeIt files.

positional arguments:
  fname                 path to FITS file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --extension EXTENSION
                        Extension name or number
  --BOX                 Use boxcar extraction when plotting PypeIt spec1d files. By default the optimal extraction is plotted.
  --COUNTS              Plot counts when plotting PypeIt spec1d files. By default flux is plotted.