Source code for

Quality Assurance for automated reduction of P200 DBSP.

import os
import glob
import shutil
from typing import Tuple, List

from pkg_resources import resource_filename

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from astropy.visualization import ZScaleInterval, ImageNormalize

from yattag import Doc, indent

from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit.spec2dobj import Spec2DObj
from pypeit.specobjs import SpecObjs

[docs]def save_one2dspec(ax: plt.Axes, spec: np.ndarray, edges: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], traces: List[np.ndarray], fwhms: List[np.ndarray]) -> None: """ Displays a 2D spectrum on the input Matplotlib Axes, with slit edges and object traces and extraction FWHMs overplotted. Args: ax (plt.Axes): Axes object for plotting. spec (np.ndarray): 2D spectrum to plot. edges (Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]): Left and right slit edges, as arrays of the spatial pixel position of the edge for each pixel in the spectral direction. traces (List[np.ndarray]): Object traces as arrays of spatial pixel positions for each pixel in the spectral direction. fwhms (List[np.ndarray]): Extraction FWHMs for each object trace. """ all_left, all_right = edges norm = ImageNormalize(spec, interval=ZScaleInterval()) im = ax.imshow(spec, origin='upper', norm=norm, cmap='gray') #im, norm = imshow_norm(spec, interval=ZScaleInterval(), cmap='gray') plt.axis('off') xs = np.arange(spec.shape[0]) for i in range(all_left.shape[1]): ax.plot(all_left[:, i], xs, 'green', lw=1) ax.plot(all_right[:, i], xs, 'red', lw=1) if traces is not None: for trace, fwhm in zip(traces, fwhms): ax.plot(trace, xs, 'orange', lw=1) ax.fill_betweenx(xs, trace - fwhm, trace + fwhm, color='orange', alpha=0.2)
[docs]def save_2dspecs(qa_dict: dict, output_spec2ds: List[str], output_path: str, spectrograph: str) -> dict: """ Saves PNG images of each spectra at various steps in the reduction process. In one PNG, displayed from left to right are science image, sky model, sky-subtracted image, sky-subtraction residuals, sky- and object-subtraction residuals. Args: qa_dict (dict): Dict mapping target names to a dict containing lists of PNG filenames, airmasses, UTCs, and raw data filenames, from previous call of ``save_2dspecs``, or empty dict for first call. output_spec2ds (List[str]): List of spec2d filenames. output_path (str): reduction output path. spectrograph (str): PypeIt name of spectrograph. Returns: dict: updated ``qa_dict`` """ obj_png_dict = qa_dict arm = 'blue' if 'blue' in spectrograph else 'red' out_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'QA', 'PNGs', 'Extraction') if not os.path.exists(out_path): os.makedirs(out_path) for fname in output_spec2ds: path = os.path.join(output_path, 'Science', fname) # open fits file spec = Spec2DObj.from_file(path, 1) spec1d_file = path.replace('spec2d', 'spec1d') if os.path.isfile(spec1d_file): spec1ds = SpecObjs.from_fitsfile(spec1d_file) else: spec1ds = None msgs.warn('Could not find spec1d file: {:s}'.format(spec1d_file) + msgs.newline() + ' No objects were extracted.') base_name = os.path.join(out_path, os.path.basename(path).split('_')[1]) all_left, all_right, _ = spec.slits.select_edges() edges = [all_left, all_right] traces = [spec1ds[i]['TRACE_SPAT'] for i in range(len(spec1ds))] if spec1ds is not None else None fwhms = [spec1ds[i]['FWHMFIT'] for i in range(len(spec1ds))] if spec1ds is not None else None mask = spec.bpmmask == 0 out_shape = spec.sciimg.shape fig_width = 0.15 + 5*out_shape[1]/100. subfig_width = out_shape[1]/100. / fig_width padding_width = 0.15 / fig_width fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_width, out_shape[0]/100.), dpi=100) # science image ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, subfig_width, 1]) save_one2dspec(ax, spec.sciimg, edges, traces, fwhms) # sky model ax = fig.add_axes([subfig_width + padding_width, 0, subfig_width, 1]) save_one2dspec(ax, spec.skymodel * mask, edges, traces, fwhms) # sky subtracted science image ax = fig.add_axes([2*(subfig_width + padding_width), 0, subfig_width, 1]) save_one2dspec(ax, (spec.sciimg - spec.skymodel) * mask, edges, traces, fwhms) # sky subtracted images divided by noise ax = fig.add_axes([3*(subfig_width + padding_width), 0, subfig_width, 1]) save_one2dspec(ax, (spec.sciimg - spec.skymodel) * np.sqrt(spec.ivarmodel) * mask, edges, traces, fwhms) # total residauls ax = fig.add_axes([4*(subfig_width + padding_width), 0, subfig_width, 1]) save_one2dspec(ax, (spec.sciimg - spec.skymodel - spec.objmodel) * np.sqrt(spec.ivarmodel) * mask, edges, traces, fwhms) # save figure outname = f'{base_name}_extraction.png'"Saving {os.path.basename(outname)}") fig.savefig(outname, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.close(fig) airmass = spec.head0['AIRMASS'] ut = spec.head0['UTSHUT'] fname = spec.head0['FILENAME'] if obj_png_dict.get(spec.head0['OBJECT']): obj_png_dict[spec.head0['OBJECT']]['pngs'].append(outname) obj_png_dict[spec.head0['OBJECT']]['airmass'].append(airmass) obj_png_dict[spec.head0['OBJECT']]['time'].append(ut) obj_png_dict[spec.head0['OBJECT']]['fname'].append(fname) else: obj_png_dict[spec.head0['OBJECT']] = { 'pngs': [outname], 'airmass': [airmass], 'time': [ut], 'fname': [fname] } return obj_png_dict
[docs]def write_extraction_QA(qa_dict: dict, output_path: str) -> None: """ Write Extraction.html page allowing for convenient viewing of PNGs saved in ``save_2dspecs``. Args: qa_dict (dict): Dict mapping target names to a dict containing lists of PNG filenames, airmasses, UTCs, and raw data filenames. output_path (str): reduction output path """ out_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'QA') pngs = [os.path.basename(fullpath) for fullpath in glob.glob(os.path.join(out_path, 'PNGs', 'Extraction', '*.png'))] pngs = sorted(pngs) objnames = [png.split('-')[1].split('_')[0] for png in pngs] doc, tag, text = Doc().tagtext() doc.asis('<!DOCTYPE html>') with tag('html'): with tag('head'): with tag('title'): text("DBSP Extraction QA") doc.stag('link', rel='stylesheet', href='dbsp_qa.css') with tag('script', src='./dbsp_qa.js'): pass with tag('body'): with tag('div'): doc.attr(klass='tab') for target in qa_dict: with tag('button'): doc.attr(klass='tablinks', onclick=f"openExposure(event, '{target}')") text(target) for target, obj_dict in qa_dict.items(): with tag('div'): doc.attr(klass='tabcontent', id=target) with tag('h1'): text(target) for i, png in enumerate(obj_dict['pngs']): with tag('h2'): text(obj_dict['fname'][i]) text('\t') text(obj_dict['time'][i]) text('\t') text(obj_dict['airmass'][i]) doc.stag('img', src=os.path.join('PNGs', 'Extraction', os.path.basename(png)))"Writing Extraction QA page") result = indent(doc.getvalue()) extraction_page = os.path.join(out_path, 'Extraction.html') with open(extraction_page, mode='wt') as f: f.write(result) shutil.copyfile(resource_filename("dbsp_drp", "data/dbsp_qa.js"), os.path.join(out_path, "dbsp_qa.js")) shutil.copyfile(resource_filename("dbsp_drp", "data/dbsp_qa.css"), os.path.join(out_path, "dbsp_qa.css"))"Extraction QA page available at {extraction_page}")