Source code for dbsp_drp.coadding

Automated coadding for P200 DBSP.

import os
from typing import List

from import fits

from pypeit import coadd1d
from pypeit.spectrographs.util import load_spectrograph
from pypeit.par import pypeitpar

[docs]def make_coadd_filename(spec1d_filenames: List[str], objids: List[str]) -> str: raw_filenames = [ fname.split("_")[1].split("-")[0] for fname in spec1d_filenames ] raw_filenames.sort() if len(raw_filenames) > 1: raw_part = f'{raw_filenames[0]}-{raw_filenames[-1]}' else: raw_part = raw_filenames[0] spats = [ int(objid.split("-")[0].strip("SPAT")) for objid in objids ] spats.sort() target = spec1d_filenames[0].split("_")[1].split("-")[1] return f'{raw_part}_{target}_SPAT{spats[len(spats)//2]:04d}.fits'
[docs]def coadd(grouped_spats_list: List[dict], output_path: str, spectrograph: str, user_config_lines: List[str], debug: bool = False) -> List[str]: """ Coadds objects specified in grouped_spats_list. Args: grouped_spats_list (List[dict]): a list of dicts mapping ``fnames`` to a list of filenames and ``spats`` to a list of integer spatial pixel positions. output_path (str): Coadded files will be written to ``output_path/Science`` spectrograph (str): PypeIt name of spectrograph. user_config_lines (List[str]): User-provided PypeIt configuration. debug (bool, optional): Show debugging output/plots? Defaults to False. Returns: List[str]: List of filenames of coadded spectra. """ outfiles = [] for d in grouped_spats_list: fnames = d['fnames'] spats = d['spats'] basename = '_'.join([fname.split("_")[1].split("-")[0] for fname in fnames]) + "_" + \ fnames[0].split("_")[1].split("-")[1] objnames = [] for spat, fname in zip(spats, fnames): path = os.path.join(output_path, 'Science', fname) hdul = for hdu in hdul: if f'SPAT{spat:04d}' in objnames.append( break outfile = os.path.join(output_path, "Science", make_coadd_filename(fnames, objnames)) coadd_one_object([os.path.join(output_path, 'Science', fname) for fname in fnames], objnames, outfile, spectrograph, user_config_lines, debug) outfiles.append(os.path.basename(outfile)) return outfiles
[docs]def coadd_one_object(spec1dfiles: List[str], objids: List[str], coaddfile: str, spectrograph: str, user_config_lines: List[str], debug: bool = False): """ Coadds multiple 1D spectra of one object. Args: spec1dfiles (List[str]): List of spec1d files to coadd. objids (List[str]): List of object IDs to coadd. coaddfile (str): Outpath path and filename for coadd file. spectrograph (str): PypeIt name of spectrograph user_config_lines (List[str]): User-provided PypeIt configuration debug (bool, optional): Show debugging output/plots? Defaults to False. """ par = load_spectrograph(spectrograph).default_pypeit_par() default_cfg_lines = par.to_config() par = pypeitpar.PypeItPar.from_cfg_lines(cfg_lines = default_cfg_lines, merge_with=user_config_lines) # Instantiate coAdd1d = coadd1d.CoAdd1D.get_instance(spec1dfiles, objids, par=par['coadd1d'], debug=debug, show=debug) # Run # Save to file
[docs]def group_coadds(fname_to_spats: dict): """ Groups coadds. Destroys input. Args: fname_to_spats (dict): maps filenames to a list of integer spatial positions Returns: List[Dict[str, Union[List[str], List[int]]]]: List of dicts mapping 'fnames' to a list of filenames and 'spats' to a list of integer spatial positions. """ # input is dict mapping fname to spats # end result is mapping from arb. label of trace -> spats list and fnames list THRESHOLD = 2 result = [] while any(fname_to_spats.values()): potential_group = [(spats[0], fname) for fname, spats in fname_to_spats.items()] potential_group.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) min_spat, its_fname = potential_group.pop(0) fname_to_spats[its_fname].remove(min_spat) # new group! result.append({'spats': [min_spat], 'fnames': [its_fname]}) # see if any of the others in the potential group are in: for spat, fname in potential_group: if spat - min_spat <= THRESHOLD: # might want to abs this and double check the sorting result[-1]['spats'].append(spat) result[-1]['fnames'].append(fname) fname_to_spats[fname].remove(spat) # filter dict to remove fnames with no spats left fname_to_spats = {fname: spats for fname, spats in fname_to_spats.items() if spats} return result