Source code for dbsp_drp.fix_headers

import os
import io
import glob
from datetime import datetime
import sys
from typing import List

from import fits
from astropy.coordinates import Angle, SkyCoord, AltAz, EarthLocation
from astropy.time import Time
import astropy.units as u

[docs]def entrypoint(): main(sys.argv[1], False, True)
def _get_ra_or_dec(fname: str, is_ra: bool, header: fits.Header, modified_str: str, prompt_user: bool) -> bool: """ Verifies that RA/DEC keyword in ``header`` exists and can be parsed as an Angle. Optionally prompts user to correct the value. Args: fname (str): name of file being checked. is_ra (bool): True to check RA, False to check DEC. header (fits.Header): Header being checked. modified_str (str): String appended to the keyword's comment noting when the header card was modified. prompt_user (bool): Prompt user for RA/DEC if missing/bad? Returns: bool: True iff the RA/DEC value is good. """ kw = 'RA' if is_ra else 'DEC' unit = 'hour' if is_ra else 'deg' coord_str = None try: coord_str = header[kw] try: coord = Angle(coord_str, unit=unit) return True except ValueError as ve: print(f"File {fname} has {kw} that could not be parsed: {coord_str}.") raise KeyError from ve except KeyError: if prompt_user: if coord_str is not None: prompt_str = f"File {fname} has bad {kw} keyword in header. Bad value is {coord_str}.\n" else: prompt_str = f"File {fname} is missing {kw} keyword in header. " prompt_str += ("Header may be severely malformed.\n" f"Enter the {kw} of `{header['OBJECT']}` or an empty string if not known: ") coord_str = input(prompt_str) if coord_str != '': try: coord = Angle(coord_str, unit=unit) header[kw] = coord.to_string(unit=unit, sep=':') header.comments[kw] += modified_str + ", manually entered." return True except ValueError: header[kw] = coord_str header.comments[kw] += modified_str + ", manually entered, but could not be parsed into an angle." return False else: if coord_str is None: print(f"File {fname} is missing {kw} keyword in header. Be sure to correct this!") return False
[docs]def main(path_prefix: str, throw_errors: bool, prompt_user: bool) -> List[str]: """ Fixes FITS files found in ``path_prefix/*.fits`` or ``path_prefix*.fits`` for common DBSP errors: empty file, extra bytes at the end, swapped GRATING/ANGLE values, missing/wrong RA/DEC/AIRMASS. Args: path_prefix (str): Where to look for FITS files. throw_errors (bool): Raise error when file cannot be automatically fixed? prompt_user (bool): Prompt user to fix missing/bad headers? Raises: ValueError: If ``throw_errors``, raised when ANGLE and GRATING both cannot be parsed as angles. Returns: List[str]: list of files with headers good enough to start reduction. """ dt = modified_str = f" Modified {dt.isoformat(timespec='seconds')}" good_files = [] paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(path_prefix, '*.fits')) if not paths: paths = glob.glob(f'{path_prefix}*.fits') for path in paths: fname = os.path.basename(path) if (os.path.getsize(path) % 2880): size = os.path.getsize(path) print(f"WARNING: {fname} is {size} bytes long, which is NOT a multiple of 2880.") print("Therefore it is an invalid FITS file.") print("It will now be truncated to the next smallest multiple of 2880 bytes long") with open(path, 'r+b') as f: % 2880), io.SEEK_END) f.truncate() if os.path.getsize(path) == 0: print(f"WARNING: {fname} is empty, it is 0 bytes.") continue with, mode='update') as hdul: header = hdul[0].header try: ang = Angle(header['ANGLE'].lower(), unit='deg').to_string(unit='deg', sep=(' deg ', ' min'), fields=2) except ValueError as exc: try: ang = Angle(header['GRATING'].lower()).to_string(unit='deg', sep=(' deg ', ' min'), fields=2) grat = header['ANGLE'] print(f"In {fname} ANGLE and GRATING were swapped, correcting them.") header['ANGLE'] = ang header.comments['ANGLE'] += modified_str + ", was swapped with GRATING." header['GRATING'] = grat header.comments['GRATING'] += modified_str + ", was swapped with ANGLE." except: msg = (f"In {fname} ANGLE in header ({header['ANGLE']}) is not parseable as an angle" + f"and neither is GRATING ({header['GRATING']}), the usual suspect.") ## TODO: if prompt_user, prompt user for correct ANGLE/GRATING values. if throw_errors: raise ValueError(msg) from exc else: print(msg) if header.get('IMGTYPE', '') == 'object': # we NEED to have parseable RA/DECs ra_good = _get_ra_or_dec(fname, True, header, modified_str, True) while not ra_good: print(f"File {fname} has IMGTYPE object and therefore must have valid RA.") print("Though RA can be corrected later if you ran dbsp_reduce without -i") ra_good = _get_ra_or_dec(fname, True, header, modified_str, True) dec_good = _get_ra_or_dec(fname, False, header, modified_str, True) while not dec_good: print(f"File {fname} has IMGTYPE object and therefore must have valid DEC.") print("Though DEC can be corrected later if you ran dbsp_reduce without -i") dec_good = _get_ra_or_dec(fname, False, header, modified_str, True) else: ra_good = _get_ra_or_dec(fname, True, header, modified_str, prompt_user) dec_good = _get_ra_or_dec(fname, False, header, modified_str, prompt_user) if (ra_good and dec_good and {'RA', 'DEC', 'UTSHUT'}.issubset(header) and (header.get('AIRMASS', None) is None)): print(f'In {fname} RA and DEC are present, but AIRMASS is absent. Calculating airmass from RA/DEC.') skycoord = SkyCoord(header['RA'], header['DEC'], unit=(u.hour, u.deg)) time = Time(header['UTSHUT']) altaz = AltAz(obstime=time, location=EarthLocation.of_site('Palomar')) header['AIRMASS'] = f'{skycoord.transform_to(altaz).secz:.3f}' header.comments['AIRMASS'] += modified_str + ", calculated from present RA/DEC." good_files.append(path) return good_files