The QA folder has two main QA pages: MF_A.html and Extraction.html.

MF_A.html is automatically generated by PypeIt and includes a number of QA plots regarding the calibration data, which currently only encompass the wavelength calibration. You can read in more detail about PypeIt’s QA plots here

In Extraction.html, for each target, there is a page that shows various steps of the reduction for the red and blue sides. From left to right, the images are flat-fielded frame, sky model, sky-subtracted frame, sky-subtracted residuals, and sky- and object-subtracted residuals. Above each set of images, the raw filename, time of observation and the airmass is displayed. Slit edges are marked in red and green, object traces are marked in orange, and extraction FWHMs are highlighted in orange. If the extraction FWHM is very different from what you would expect, it is probably a good idea to use manual tracing on that target.