DBSP Quicklook

During an observing run, in order to make time-sensitive decisions about what to observe, a quicklook script is provided.


$ dbsp_ql --help
usage: dbsp_ql [-h] [--no-show] fname

Quicklook for P200 DBSP

positional arguments:
  fname       file to take a quick look at, or else red/blue
              to just perform rough calibrations

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --no-show   Set this flag to suppress opening of plots

First, navigate to a directory you want the output data in.

$ cd /path/to/workdir

Then, with at least one arc frame and at least one flat frame in /path/to/calibs run

$ dbsp_ql /path/to/calibs/red
$ dbsp_ql /path/to/calibs/blue

to perform quick calibrations for the red and blue sides, respectively.

Then once you have a science frame (either in the same directory, or elsewhere) in /path/to/science/data, run

$ dbsp_ql /path/to/science/data/red0030.fits
$ dbsp_ql /path/to/science/data/blue0030.fits

This step should be very quick (about 15 seconds for the red side, 8 seconds for the blue side), and each command will pop up a ginga window for you to inspect the sky-subtracted frame. Also, a GUI will pop up to display the fluxed spectrum for each object identified in the frame.

The quicklook script produces PypeIt 2D Spectrum and 1D Spectrum files, described in Data Reduction Outputs.