Installing DBSP_DRP

Conda is the recommended pacakage manager used to install DBSP_DRP.

From Source

$ git clone
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate dbsp_drp
$ pip install -e .

This performs an editable install, which allows you to make modifications to the code and immediately see their effects. Importantly, this can be used in combination with git branches to test features in development.

Using pip

First download the provided environment.yml file

Now use the environment.yml file to create a conda environment with the required dependencies.

$ cd /path/to/Downloads
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate dbsp_drp

Now use pip to install DBSP_DRP

$ pip install git+


The telluric correction code provided by PypeIt relies on a large (5 GB) atmospheric model file (TellFit_Lick_3100_11100_R10000.fits), which can be downloaded here and must be installed into the pypeit/data/telluric/atm_grids directory of your PypeIt installation.

To determine the location of your PypeIt installation, open the Python interpreter and run

>>> import pypeit
>>> import os
>>> print(os.path.dirname(pypeit.__file__))

An easier alternative is to download and run this script, which will perform the download and install it into the current PypeIt installation.

$ cd /path/to/Downloads
$ chmod +x download_tellfile
$ ./download_tellfile

If you have multiple PypeIt installations on the same machine, you can create a hard link from the one PypeIt installation to the others so you can reuse the atmospheric model file.

$ ln /path/to/stable/pypeit/data/telluric/atm_grids/TellFit_Lick_3100_11100_R10000.fits /path/to/other/pypeit/data/telluric/atm_grids/TellFit_Lick_3100_11100_R10000.fits

Make sure to use the same filename in both PypeIt installations. If you’re not sure where your PypeIt installations are, run the previous Python snippet in each conda or venv environment you want to use DBSP_DRP in.

Testing your installation

Make sure your PypeIt installation was successful

$ run_pypeit -h

Run some built-in tests for DBSP_DRP, including verification that the quicklook script works

$ cd /path/to/DBSP_DRP
$ pytest .